Turkey is turning into a Nazi camp, KHK victims say

The Istanbul KHK Platform, established by the citizens who were expelled by the  government decrees (KHK) released on Thursday a press statement in front of the UN Istanbul Representation Office to protest their unjust treatment by the Turkish government.

HDP Kocaeli MP Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu said ‘’there has been a political disaster in this country that wreaked havoc on at least one and a half million its people. Recently, we are talking about inhumane practices that remind us of the Nazi period’’.

“We are seen as stateless and homeless. We were not only left unemployed; but also our entire citizenship rights were taken away from us. We try to report all the unlawfulness we are exposed to. For us, Turkey is turning into a huge Nazi camp and we're its prisoners’’, Emine Yüzgeç, who was dismissed through a government decree, said reading out the press release.

Meanwhile, government decrees pounded the country’s members of judiciary. Three thousand 932 judges and prosecutors were dismissed with the decrees following the July 15 coup attempt.

Furthermore, the number of judges and prosecutors, which was nine thousand four in 2000, increased by 127 percent to 20 thousand 629 by the end of 2019.

Retired Chief Civil Inspector Mahmut Esen said 10 thousand 600 public prosecutors, which is more than half, were accepted into the profession after 2016.

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