Asylum seeking Turkish mother and three children stranded in Paris airport

A Turkish teacher and her three children have been staying in an airport in Paris for 10 days waiting to be deported after French authorities declined to grant her asylum, Euronews reported on Thursday.

Melek Yılmaz, an alias Euronews used to protect the identity of the asylum seeker, had worked as a geography teacher, before being sacked from her job like almost 130,00 other public employees in Turkey, following a coup attempt in 2016.

Yılmaz lost her job due to her alleged links to the Gülen movement, which the Turkish government accuses of orchestrating the failed coup attempt. She was detained the day after she was sacked and later released on probation, while her husband fled Turkey as there was a warrant issued for his arrest.

A court sentenced Yılmaz six years and three months in prison over terrorism charges for working in a Gülen linked school, having an account in a Gülen-linked bank, and sending her children to Gülen-linked schools, Euronews said.

Yılmaz entered Greece illegally, across the River Evros that marks the Turkish-Greek border, and joined her husband to head for France. She was stopped when she landed in Paris by the police who noticed that she and her children, aged 14, 12 and 10, did not have visas. 

Yılmaz and her three children had no other option, but to stay in the airport since Aug. 27, while she applied for asylum. But French authorities declined her request after a 40-minute video conference and without examining the documents she provided, Euronews said. 

Guillaume Perrier, former Turkey correspondent of Le Monde newspaper on Wednesday criticised the deportation decision on Twitter, saying that denying political asylum to the Turkish teacher was unbelievable.
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